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Homework Tips for Parents: Teacher Tips for Parents

Homework Tips for Parents

When the last bell rings for the day, you most likely see students burst out of school so happy to be free! They’re ready to meet up with friends, participate in activities, scarf down a snack or two, and enjoy their night. Once they arrive home, however, they realize that it’s not all popcorn and video games: They have to do their homework. There are math worksheets to complete, essays to write, and pages to read. It’s sometimes the last thing a student wants to do, but homework doesn’t have to be a chore—or worse, a battle. You don’t want it to be that way, and neither do your parents.

Homework Tips for Parents

Thankfully Harris Cooper, a distinguished professor in the department of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, has spent more than two decades researching the issues surrounding homework. He offers plenty of great advice that you can share with parents to help ease homework pain.

Below, we’ve included some homework tips from the professor along with a list of supplies parents can keep on hand at home to ease the stress of homework time.

Share Cooper’s homework tips below with your classroom parents, and hopefully homework time will become less of a battle and more of a win—for your students, their parents, and you!

Harris Cooper’s Homework Tips for Parents

  • Be a stage manager.
    Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework. Make sure necessary materials (paper, pencils, dictionary) are available. (Check out the list below of school supplies that are helpful to have on hand each night for homework)
  • Be a motivator.
    Homework provides a great opportunity for you to tell your child how important school is. Be positive about homework. The attitude you express will be the attitude your child acquires.
  • Be a role model.
    When your child does homework, don’t sit and watch TV. If your child is reading, you read, too. If your child is doing math, balance your checkbook. Help your child see that the skills he is practicing are related to things you do as an adult.
  • Be a monitor.
    Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. If your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. If frustration sets in, suggest a short break.
  • Be a mentor.
    When the teacher asks that you play a role in homework, do it. If homework is meant to be done alone, stay away. Homework is a great way for kids to develop lifelong learning skills. Over involvement can be a bad thing.

Download and print a PDF of these homework tips to share with your parents

Must-Have Homework Supplies:

The following homework supply list will help ensure your child has the necessary supplies to be successful. Supplemental homework supplies may be needed throughout the year for special projects, but if you keep the below items stocked in your child’s homework station, they will have all the tools they need for most homework assignments.

 Number 2 pencils
Stapler, staples
Pencil sharpener (electric)
Black/blue pens
Paper clips
Index cards
Sticky notes/flags

Originally posted 2018

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