TeacherLists Blog

Ganado School District partners with TeacherLists (Case Study)

Ganado school supply list on a tablet

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Ganado Independent School District Partners With TeacherLists To Gives Parents in Rural District an Easy Way To Shop for Back-to-School Supplies

The Ganado Independent School District (GISD) is a small school district in
Texas with an elementary school, middle school, and high school. Being fairly
isolated from larger cities in Texas makes it harder for parents to shop for
back-to-school supplies. This challenge was one of the reasons that GISD
turned to TeacherLists for help.

Two years ago, the district technology director was searching for a solution that
would allow parents to easily shop online for supplies and have them
delivered to their home (versus parents driving a half hour or more to larger
stores). She also wanted a solution that would allow all the schools to have
uniform lists that could be easily updated each year.


To start, GISD assigned the list upload process to a few summer interns. The
district asked teachers to forward their current supply list PDFs to the interns,
who then uploaded the lists to the TeacherLists platform.
The district found that elementary teachers were happy to provide the lists,
and it was even easier for the middle school since the 6th through 8th grades
generally had one generic list for everyone. GISD decided to try the initial
rollout with just the elementary and middle schools before moving onto the
high school.

Ganado School District class list on tablet


After two years of using TeacherLists, GISD’s staff is very happy with how easy
it was to implement and update the new process. They’ve received all
positive reviews from teachers and parents on the new supply list
communication model—not only that but parents loved that they were able
to purchase supplies online and have them delivered right to their door. The
best part is the change actually made the list creation and communication
process easier for the district staff, and the interns who worked on the list
upload appreciated that TeacherLists was even easier to update and share
than the traditional PDFs.

Future Plans

As GISD considers how to improve upon their TeacherLists implementation,
their main focus is growing its impact.

Getting the High School on Board
GISD will encourage the high school to join other district schools
in using TeacherLists; their ultimate goal is to provide a single and
consistent method for the school community to share and find
supply lists.

Delegating List Maintenance
Now that the lists are posted, GISD plans to give individual schools and
teachers the ability to upload and maintain their own lists, utilizing the
TeacherLists Admin function. This will make it even easier for schools to
manage the process moving forward.

If you would like to get started posting your lists, please visit our Login Page

Have any questions?
Call or email us at:
800/644-3516 x6

Originally posted 2019

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