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About TeacherLists
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Flyers and Tools
How To's for Schools and Teachers
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About TeacherLists
What is TeacherLists? (video)
Back To School Supply List Shopping: The Old Way vs. The New Way (video)
Are lists available in Spanish?
What retailers are connected to your one-click list purchase?
Can I be notified when my child's list is available?
What does it mean to claim a list?
What is the difference between a wish list and a supply list?
Is TeacherLists really free?!? What's the catch?
Help with my Account
I cannot remember my login information
The email address I created my account with is no longer active. What do I do?
I've changed schools. How do I update my account?
What is the difference between being a 'List Manager' and an 'Admin'?
How do I become a List 'Admin' for my school?
Flyers and Tools
Quick Tips to Get Started - a checklist
Getting your school onboard: "Help Your Whole School with Just One Click" - a PDF Flyer
"Quick Start Lists" the most common items requested by grade.
3 Simple Steps To Get Your Wish Lists Filled.
Communicating with School Staff
Let school staff know your supply lists are on TeacherLists ' a PDF flyer or email template
Let school staff know your Wish Lists are on TeacherLists ' a PDF flyer
Communicating with Parents
Let your school community know your lists are on TeacherLists ' a PDF flyer, email template, or stickers for report cards
How To's For Schools & Teachers
How do I get started?
How do I get our existing lists on TeacherLists? (they already exist in Word, PDF or other file type)
How do I create a new list on TeacherLists?
How do I enter multiple lists for my school?
How do I update a list?
How do I add an item or edit my list?
Having trouble finding an item you want to add to your list?
How do I delete, archive, or reactivate a list?
How do I manage a list that was created by someone else?
How do I reassign a list to a different teacher?
I've changed schools. How do I move my lists?
How are lists displayed for my school?
What does it mean to 'Share a List'?
How do we share lists on our website, social media site or via email?
How do I know who has pledged items to my wish list?
How can I increase the pledges on my wish list?
Why should I add sponsored items to my list?
How To's For Parents
How do I find my child's list?
What do I do if I don't see my child's school or list?
Can I be notified when my child's list is available?
How do I purchase my child's list on-line?
Wish Lists
How do I pledge to donate an item?
Why am I being asked to create an account?
How do I change my pledge on a wish list?
How can I purchase items and have them sent directly to my child's teacher?
Recent TeacherLists Blog Postings
Make Lessons Stick with Post-it® Notes and Scotch® Brand Tape
Nontraditional School Schedules: Rethinking Learning
Are Snow Days Making a Comeback?
Conference Raffle Entry
Developing Scissors Skills: Classroom Tips and Activities
Recent TeacherLists Blog Postings
Make Lessons Stick with Post-it® Notes and Scotch® Brand Tape
Nontraditional School Schedules: Rethinking Learning
Are Snow Days Making a Comeback?
Conference Raffle Entry
Developing Scissors Skills: Classroom Tips and Activities