TeacherLists is made possible by our trusted back-to-school brand partners. Our sponsors allow us to offer the TeacherLists solution free to every teacher, school and parent in the nation. (Thank you!)

Ed Tech Solution Providers
Our Ed Tech solution partners help us bring our popular supply list solution directly to schools by embedding the TeacherLists platform within their school technology solutions.

These retailers deliver TeacherLists school supply lists direct to shoppers, making it easier than ever for parents to find and shop their back-to-school supply lists!

TeacherLists is a proud supporter of the Kids In Need Foundation, a non-profit that provides free school supplies nationally to students most in need. Want to donate to a classroom in need? Help out a classroom in your area through the Supply A Classroom Program sponsored by the Kids In Need Foundation.
TeacherLists is proud to partner with the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), a national organization devoted to building community understanding and support for schools.