TeacherLists Blog

Writing Prompts for Veterans Day

credit: trongnguyen/123RF

With Veterans Day coming up, you’re likely looking for a way to incorporate the celebration into your curriculum. After all, your students get the day off, so it’s important to give them an understanding of its significance. Veterans Day is a great way to get your students to exercise their writing skills while simultaneously demonstrating their knowledge. Here are a few prompts and projects to help inspire you and your students.


For History/Social Studies lessons:


Who is honored on Veterans Day? How are they honored in your community?


Write a short biography about a veteran in your life (Family member, family friend, person in your community, etc.)


Compare the different branches of the military: how are they different? How are they similar?


Write about the history and significance of a monument in the US


What do the colors and symbols on the American flag represent?


Compare and contrast the events of a war movie with the real-life battle.


What is a moment of silence? What is its cultural significance in the United States?


For English/Creative Writing lessons:


Write a thank you note to a veteran


Write an acrostic poem using words such as “Veteran,” “Soldiers,” “Hero”, etc.


Have you visited a war monument in the US? What was your experience?  


Give examples of support for veterans in your community: what your community already does, and what they could do


Describe the traits that make someone heroic. How can you demonstrate those in your own life?


What would a peaceful, free world look like to you?


What can you do to promote peace in your life and community?


What three words do you associate with Veterans Day? Write a poem using those words.

Originally posted 2023

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