The skills students learn in younger grades help build a foundation for their future studies. While technology, screens, and computers are great supplementary tools, the Five Star® brand encourages teachers to remember the power of pen and paper when it comes to learning and retention.
Check the Stats
Technology is present in classrooms more than ever, but we shouldn’t overlook the benefits that come from writing things down. A recent poll shows that parents whose children prefer to handwrite notes saw an improvement in their children’s grades over 3 years, averaging 74% compared to 55% in students who did not handwrite notes.*
Parents are also becoming more aware of their children’s screen time. The Pew Research Center reports that 71% of parents with a child under the age of 12 are at least somewhat concerned that their child spends too much time in front of screens, including 31% who are very concerned.**
Parents turn to teachers for guidance on student behaviors and may be looking for advice on how to reduce their child’s screen time or ways to reinforce notetaking skills. Using pen and paper in the classroom and for homework assignments is one way teachers can address these parents’ concerns.
Choose the Right Supplies
Not all paper is created equal, and it’s important to choose the right supplies for your classroom. Five Star® notebooks, composition books, and filler paper use high-quality paper that fights ink bleed. This helps prevent ink from bleeding through the other side of the page, so students can use both sides of the page to write out notes, work on assignments, and doodle in the margin.
Plus, all Five Star® products will LAST ALL YEAR. GUARANTEED!*** They are built to withstand daily wear and tear so students can trust Five Star® supplies to last from the first class to the final bell.
Recommended materials for class note-taking:
Supplement with Tech
Modern classrooms use technology as a secondary resource to physical note-taking. With the free Five Star® Study App, students can transform handwritten notes into digital flashcards to get double the study power! Students can scan their handwritten notes, create digital flashcards, and track and manage due dates anytime, anywhere.
The app is compatible with Five Star® spiral notebooks, composition books, and filler paper.
Learn More
Writing down notes and assignments is a time-tested and proven skill that develops studying foundations. Students use the skills they learn in younger grades throughout high school and beyond. Give your students a solid start and embrace the power of paper in your classroom!
Five Star® products make it easy to study and organize notes wherever students go. For more information and tips, visit