The Lists You & Your Shoppers Need
There is no doubt that actual school supply lists directly from schools drive back-to-school shopping trips and purchases. Simply put–parents can’t and don’t shop for supplies until they know exactly what their kids’ schools are requiring this year.
Even more important, these lists are a trigger for all back-to-school shopping. Families buy the required school supply items, then purchase additional items such as school uniforms, backpacks, apparel, shoes, and more. Offering access to school supply lists provides retail partners with a powerful tool to compete more effectively for the back-to-school shopper and to capture a greater share of overall spending during this critical season.
Today–thanks to the standardized, digital TeacherLists lists platform–you can leverage the power of these lists to deliver the convenience your shoppers are demanding. All lists for all shoppers in your stores? Mobile lists? Lists in your app? Pre-filled shopping carts for one-click purchasing? Yes! All that and more is available to you with TeacherLists.

The Power of School Supply Lists

The TeacherLists Advantage
With supply lists for nearly 2 million classrooms across the nation, TeacherLists has far and away the largest collection of school supply lists ever assembled (and they’re mobile friendly!).

Become a TeacherLists’ Retail Partner and you’ll get:
• Student’s exact back-to-school supply lists.
• Real-time 24-7 access to all lists, ensuring instant access to thousands of new lists a day.
• Permission to brand and merchandise our white-labeled service as you see fit.
• Dedicated account management.
TLConnect Retail iFrame
Display our back-to-school supply lists on your branded site by leveraging our TLConnect Retail iFrame.
This simple, responsive, plug-and-play technology makes it easy to provide your customers with their exact school supply lists where and when they’re ready to shop.

TLConnect API
You can also create your own custom shopping experience using the TLConnect API. We provide all school and list-item data in standard formats through standard and custom calls. You create the custom shopping experience that you see fit. Contact us for more information.