TeacherLists Blog

Summer Bucket List for Teachers

Credit: fauxels/pexels, chitokan/pexels

Summer is here! While three months feels like a long time, it’s over in the blink of an eye. It can be overwhelming to decide what to do with your time, so we’ve rounded up 13 things to do to make this summer the best summer ever! 

Master a sangria recipe 

The fruity drink is a staple for many in the summertime. There are lots of ways to make it, but the summer is perfect for finding your own combination of fruits and spirits (and don’t worry if you don’t drink–non-alcoholic sangria is just as delicious). Cheers! 


Do something social on a weeknight

Feels wrong, doesn’t it? Summer is your time for rest and relaxation, and spending time with your friends is an essential part of that. Think back to all the times you had to have an early night over the school year so you wouldn’t be exhausted in the morning: it won’t feel so wrong anymore! 


Take some time making lunch

That’s right, the days of throwing a quick PB&J in your lunchbox in the morning are long gone, at least for a few months. Take the time to prepare your lunch with love and care, and actually enjoy eating it. Maybe even go out to lunch with a friend every once in a while! 


Have a beach day

Enough said.


Host a brunch at your place

Picture this: windows down in the kitchen with the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon wafting through the air to the tune of an egg-cellent morning playlist. If you love cooking, especially for friends and family, this one is for you. If not, ask your guests to bring a plate of sharable items so you can set up a buffet!  


Catch up on some reading

We know, you’ve likely spent all year reading books with your students. It’s time to read something you like! We’ve even got some recommendations for you. 


Make a gratitude list, and add to it often

You need this if this past year has been especially difficult for you. Once school lets out for the summer, take some time to write down all the things you’re grateful for, both inside and outside the classroom. Finding positivity in adversity is a must for good mental health. Add to the list whenever you think of something new, or if you find yourself dwelling on things more than usual.  


Say “I’ll do it tomorrow”

Whatever it is, it can probably wait. It’s summertime! 


Take morning walks a few times a week

Slow mornings are the best mornings, so take your coffee to go and walk around your neighborhood before the heat becomes too much to bear. Whether you spend the time listening to music, your favorite podcast, or just reflecting quietly, your mental and physical health will thank you! 


Go on a road trip (even a small one!)

Make some time for exploring in your downtime. If you can’t go too far, there are plenty of local day trip destinations that are just waiting for you to venture over!  


Be a tourist in your own city

Make it a point to visit places you’ve never been to before. Visit farmer’s markets, local museums, and restaurants you haven’t had the time to try. Who knew your hometown was so cool? 


Get back into your self-care routine

It’s easy to neglect your needs during the busy school year. Catch up on your self-care routine over the summer, and make it a goal to keep it up next school year!


Volunteer your time

There are all kinds of volunteer opportunities that can make your summer days feel more fulfilling.

Originally posted 2023

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