Talking to Kids About Anti-Racism and Race Relations
Conversations with kids about race relations can be hard, but they’re absolutely necessary. We’ve linked to resources that can help.
June 9, 2020

Aleksandr Davydov/123RF
As everyone’s trying to understand and process what’s happening in our country following the police killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, some of which have turned to violent riots, we think of our children. What do we say to them? How do we explain the violence? The pain? The anger?
No one has all of the answers, but we can point you to some important resources from respected thought leaders who offer advice and help.
The resources below on race relations and anti-racism are suitable for varied ages. For some of the links, we’ve indicated the most appropriate age group.
Articles or blog posts
Commonsense Media’s “Explaining the News to Our Kids” breaks down how to have difficult conversations with kids of different ages.
The American Academy of Pediatrics shares advice for families on how to talk to their children about racism. has articles, topic pages, and webinars to help parents talk about race with young children (best for elementary).
The Anti-Defamation League has tips for a table talk about racism for kids 11 and older (best for middle or high school) offers advice for parents talking to children about racial bias.
“Talking to Kids About George Floyd” from Child Mind Institute takes a commonsense approach to a difficult topic.
The American Psychological Association initiative on Defining Race and Ethnic Socialization has parent resources on having discussions about race with children of all ages.
Books lists 31 children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance.
Bounceback parenting blog has a curated list of resources including books, activities, and media for talking to kids of all ages about race and racism.
The Brown Bookshelf promotes awareness of children’s books (picture, middle grade, and young adult) written and illustrated by people of color.
New York Family recently compiled a list called Resources and Books to Help Parents Educate Themselves on Racism.
A free e-book from Teaching Tolerance, Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice has stories and conversation starters for ages 2-5, 6-12, and 13 and up.
A New Jersey teacher started this viral list of children’s books about race on the popular website
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