School Supply Shopping Made Quick and Easy
If you’ve ever been frustrated by the process of school supply shopping (and what parent hasn’t?) TeacherLists is here to help you save time and money.
August 5, 2021

It’s 2021 and we’ve got billionaires flying into space, digital currencies, and breakthrough advances in science. But when it comes to school supply shopping, parents still wait for an email saying, “It’s time to print out next year’s list!” As if that’s not archaic enough, once parents have the list in-hand, it can take hours of shopping to find the exact supplies needed for the best prices. That’s where TeacherLists comes in.
What Is TeacherLists?
TeacherLists is the easiest way to find and purchase your child’s school supply list! Just go to on your computer or mobile device, find your child’s school and list, click “add all to cart” from your preferred retailer, check out, and you’re DONE!
More Ways TeacherLists Helps Parents
It’s free. Creating an account and utilizing the TeacherLists platform is completely free for both schools and families.
It’s contactless. If we come out of the COVID-19 pandemic with one must-have convenience, it’s the option for contact-free shopping. In the past, consumers chose online shopping to save time and money, but in today’s world it’s a measure of safety, as well.
It’s easy to compare prices. Our retail partners include Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Staples. So if you’re a parent who prefers to comparison sh op before you buy, we’ve got you covered.
It’s convenient. As parents ourselves, we know that time is of the essence. Between parenting, working, carpooling, making meals, and (if you’re lucky) making room for your own hobbies, time is valuable. No one wants to waste an entire afternoon visiting store after store for specific notebooks and crayons. Using TeacherLists is hands-down the most convenient way to shop for school supplies.
It’s multilingual. TeacherLists has school supply lists available in English and Spanish, the second most spoken language in the United States. (More than 40 million people aged 5 or older speak Spanish at home in the U.S.) Once you find your list, you can choose the language you prefer.
It has a convenient in-store checklist. Parents who prefer to shop in-person can easily switch the functionality of their list to create an in-store shopping checklist on the TeacherLists platform. This makes it easy to keep track of what you’ve got and what you still need to find.
Need help finding your child’s list? Read our answers to frequently asked questions.
Get your child's exact back‑to‑school supply list, right from their teacher.