The 10 Most Boring (But Awesome!) Gifts for Teachers
Believe it or not, teachers love receiving school supplies during the holidays. Here are our top picks.
December 6, 2021

When we think of teachers, there are many traits that come to mind — dedicated, inspiring, resourceful, caring, and passionate to name a few. And when the holidays come around, parents and students love to find that perfect gift to show their appreciation. But what do teachers wish for when they hear those sleigh bells ringing?
We’ve found that it’s not the iPads and LCD projectors that top their holiday wish lists–on the contrary–it’s things like pencils, glue sticks, and dry erase markers. That’s right, as exciting and creative as teachers can be, when we rounded up a list of the top 10 wish list items from teachers across the nation, the results were, well, downright boring! Since many teachers spend over $500 of their own money on school supplies each year, most consider it a major bonus when parents gift these items for the holidays.
Here are the 10 items that topped teacher’s wish lists in 2020:
1. Pencils
2. Paper
3. Notebooks
4. Crayons
5. Markers
6. Glue
7. Dry erase markers
8. Folders
9. Colored pencils
10. Pens
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