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Printable: Earth Day Riddles

Challenge your students to solve Earth-friendly riddles!

Earth Day Riddle Printable Teacher

Celebrate Earth Day with riddles!

This activity can be done in a variety of ways: individually having students write their answers and their names on a piece of paper, as a whole class raising hands or writing answers on whiteboards and holding them up, or as individual groups writing answers on whiteboards and holding them up or running to the chalkboard to write the answers the fastest (even buzzers could be incorporated!) Plus, you can really turn up the activity by offering an incentive (say extra time enjoying the Earth outside for recess!)

There are so many benefits to riddles: critical thinking and problem-solving skills, team building, active engagement, cognitive stimulation, icebreaker or energizer, learning new information, and of course having fun—trust us, your students are sure to be begging for more.

Download your free Riddle Me This: Earth Day Edition printable!

Originally posted 2024

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