TeacherLists Blog

Interactive Spring Bulletin Board Ideas

Spring has sprung! It’s time to welcome back the warm weather, blooming flowers, and longer days; it’s what we’ve waited for all winter long!

To celebrate, and brighten up your classroom, we’ve compiled our favorite spring bulletin boards for you to try in your own classroom.

An added bonus: These are all interactive bulletin boards that allow your students to get involved!


Spring has Bloomed

Make flowers as a class and display them on the bulletin board. Each student gets to design their own flower, unique to them, and when they are all together, a beautiful garden will emerge!


Rainbow Chain

Students work together to make a paper-chain for each color of the rainbow. This chain is then turned into a rainbow on the bulletin board. Using paper or cotton balls, a cloud (or clouds) can be displayed on each end of the rainbow.


A Flower of Handprints

Students each trace and design their own handprint. These handprints are displayed on the bulletin board as flowers (or petals on a flower). Multiple flowers can be created from these handprints, or you can create the middle of the flower and have each student place their handprint around your middle, creating a class flower!

Handprint Flower Bulletin Board


We’re Buggy about Spring

Students get to create their own bug! Bees, ladybugs or butterflies, the crafts are endless when it comes to bugs. After choosing a bug craft, let your students get busy creating their bugs. Hang these on your bulletin board to bring these little critters into your classroom—but not literally!

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Soaring into Spring

Kites are so much fun to fly, but they are even more fun to create. Each student designs and creates their own kite. The tails of the kites can be made from a variety of different materials, but these tails are truly what bring these bulletin boards to life when they are hanging.

Kite Bulletin Board


Would you Rather: Spring Edition

Display “Would you rather…” at the top of your bulletin board. Divide the board into two halves, and create sticky notes (or have your students create their own) of your students’ names or design clothespins with a string on the bulletin board! Each day or week, place a new spring-related question on both halves of the board, and allow your students the opportunity to place their name where they “would rather.” For example, would you rather play catch a worm or catch a butterfly?

Would You Rather Bulletin Board


A “Bright to Brag” Board

It’s almost the end of the year, and your students have worked so hard. Give them their own space on the bulletin board to use as their “bragging space.” Hang different colored bright sheets of paper on the board, with each student’s name. Place a pushpin or hot glue a clip to their paper. Students then get to decide what they hang on the brag board daily/weekly. This adds a bright, engaging bulletin board to the classroom!

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A post shared by Joey Udovich (@joeyudovich)


Blooming Questions

With a flower-themed bulletin board, provide post-it notes and pencils for students to write down any questions that may arise throughout the day/week. Remove and answer these questions, a few at a time. Either hang the answer back up, or read and respond to the question as a class.


Spring “I Spy” Board

Gluing spring-related items to a bulletin board, challenge your students to a game of “I Spy” when time allows. Spy different items on the board, and challenge the class to find those items. Reveal the answer by calling on someone, or let the class fill out the location on a piece of paper to be turned in and revealed as a class.


Compliment Board

The end of the year is approaching, and everyone is getting burned out and may need a pick-me-up. Create a bulletin board full of compliments, as a class, and invite students to take what they need as they need it. As things are removed, encourage others to replace those removed with new compliments.

Shower Your Students with Springtime Math

Fractions, decimals, long division, and more!

via WeLoveTeachers


Spring into a New Book

Spring is the perfect time to start something new, like a new book! Including some of your favorite titles for students, this bulletin board inspires your students to try something different. Bonus points if these books are already in your classroom library!

Originally posted 2023

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