TeacherLists Blog

Establishing Community Events: Getting Families Involved

Credit: stockbroker/123RF

Building community is one of the most important things you do as a district or school leader. Fostering a close-knit school community is proven to improve grade point averages as well as the mental health of students. Plus, happy, healthy communities make for confident kids who also want to be involved in their community! As they say, lead with action. However, starting from scratch is difficult, and getting families involved is even harder. We’ve rounded up 6 community event ideas and how to get families (students included!) involved in the action.


Book Fair

This is the classic school community event. While most book fairs happen during school hours, it doesn’t have to be that way! Families are always looking for ways to get their kids to read more, and to find books themselves to sneak into their personal time. It’s the best way to get everyone excited about reading!


How to get families involved:

  • Book and/or shopping bag donations
  • Assistance setting up and taking down
  • Refreshment stand help


Ice Cream Social

Another classic event, the ice cream social is great for rewarding summer reading. If ice cream isn’t the perfect incentive, what is? Invite families to accompany their child for ice cream–it’s the perfect time to introduce yourself and make those connections for later events!


How to get families involved:

  • Donations for ice cream, various toppings, napkins, bowls/utensils
  • Assistance managing the line


Backpack Drive

This is a fantastic way to get families involved over the summer. Many families feel frustrated buying backpacks and other easily re-used supplies year after year, so create the space for families to pick out backpacks from donations by another family.


How to get families involved:

  • Backpack donations
  • Assistance managing the line
  • Organizational help (sign-up, check in, enforcing product limits, dividing products into boxes, etc.)


Talent Show

Let your students show off their most unique talents! An after-school talent show makes it more exciting for students to be performing at night, and families who work during the day will be able to see their child shine.


For additional funds, find local businesses who will sponsor the event in exchange for banner placement in the auditorium and an advertisement in the playbill!


How to get families involved:

  • Ticket sales
  • Refreshment stand help
  • Playbill and poster creation
  • Assistance setting up and taking down



This event started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and became an instant classic community event! Sell parking spots for $5 (which includes entry to trick-or-treating) and watch all the creative trunk ideas come through!


How to get families involved:

  • Ticket sales
  • Assistance setting up and taking down


Painting Party

To raise funds for your school in a fun, creative way, host a painting party! Tape off sections of a few large windows in the building, and each ticket sold gives the family a section to paint with some colors and brushes. Just remember to make sure the paint will come off with water!


How to get families involved:

  • Ticket sales
  • Paint and brush distribution
  • Assistance setting up and taking down


Did you know there are remote opportunities for parents to get involved too?

Not every parent is able to make it to events and meetings, but still want to be a part of their school community. Remote volunteers can help the school with things like:

  • Field trip planning
  • Social media posts
  • Administrative tasks
  • Booking event space, entertainment, etc.

Are your PTO and PTA groups insured?

Parent volunteers are an important part of school fundraisers and events. With their help, events run smoothly and goals are met. Unfortunately, despite even the tightest safeguards, students can still get hurt and property can be damaged. While parent groups are volunteers, they can still be held responsible in an incident. As such, insurance is a must. Click to learn more about customizable protection that keeps your PTO and PTA groups protected.

Originally posted 2023

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