Teaching can be a challenging profession, filled with long hours, grading, and the occasional classroom chaos. Laughter can be the best medicine, especially in the world of education.
We’ve rounded up a list of some of the top teacher comedians to follow and enjoy a daily dose of laughter while appreciating the hard work and dedication that goes into educating the next generation!
Whether you’re taking a break from grading or need a pick-me-up after a long day, these hilarious voices bring a sense of camaraderie and fun to the teaching profession.
Eddie B. (@eddiebcomedy)
Joe Dombrowski (@joe_dombrowski)
Stephen Taylor (@formerlyfatstephen)
Lou Pharis (@lou_pharis)
Gaspare Randazzo (@standuprandazzo)
Gerry Brooks (@gerrybrooksprin)
Jessica Hawk (@myteacherface)
Ryan Erwin (@ryerwin)
Brian Moote (@mootecomedy)
Devin Siebold (@devinsiebold)
KC Mack (@kcmackfunny)
Jess Merrill (@teachertalesofmisssmith)
Andrea Caspari (@caspariland)
Mike Rivera (@mr.riveracomedy)
Leslie Rob (@leslierobcomedy)
Liz Blanc (@itslizblanc)
Briana Richardson (@honestteachervibes)
Jay Yoder (@jayyodercomedy)
Mark Schumacher (@markschumacher)
Tom Filline (@angrygymteacher)
Mr. Williams (@mrwilliamsprek)
P.S. Some of the teacher comedians shared above are part of the Bored Teachers “The Struggle is Real!” Comedy Tour. Check their tour schedule and grab tickets if they are in a city near you—you won’t regret it!