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TeacherLists Blog
Build a Rocket
3, 2, 1...blast off!
Build a Wind-Powered City
Create a wind-powered city as a class!
Printable: Disguise a Snowball
Who will disguise their snowball the best?
Printable for Parents: Disguise a Snowball
How will your little one disguise a snowball?
Printable for Parents: A Kindness Catcher
Make a kindness (cootie) catcher!
Printable for Parents: New Year's Eve Countdown
Countdown to the New Year!
Printable for Parents: Handprint Memory Book
A fun craft for the year!
Printable: A Memory Book of Handprints
An easy craft for every month!
Printable: Paper Sea Turtles
Send your students home with a turtle!
CREATE Friendships
Help students make new friends!
Imagine What You’ll Learn
What do you want to learn?
Printable: "Thank a Soldier" Postcards
Let your students write a thank you to a soldier, thanking...
Clingies Window Stickers
DIY window stickers!
Printable: Popcorn Appreciation
Get your students "popping" with appreciation for a special...
DIY Classroom Ribbon Streamers
Who doesn't love a good DIY?
A New Species: Fictitious Animals
Let your students create a new species!
Post-It Haiku Daisy Tree
Introduce Haiku to your students!
Printable: Let It Snow!
Celebrate winter by letting it snow in your classroom...
Printable: How to Catch a Leprechaun!
What is St. Patrick's Day without an attempt to catch...
Upcycled Pencil Boxes for Back-to-School
Why buy pencil cases every school year? Here's how you can make...
Or is It?
Get your students' imaginations flowing with this shape-identifying...
Mini Upcycled Potted Plants
Students learn to act as botanists and see the different...
Looking at Me in the Future
Students write and illustrate autobiographies on 3D boxes....
How Words Make People Feel
Students create and use two-sided masks to explore...
Helping Hands
Build children’s awareness of the many ways they...
Conversations with Crayons
Students construct a crayon character stick puppet...
Make Your Own Beads (From Magazines)
Learning area: Art Time commitment: Moderate...